The Gospel of John – The Light that no darkness can overcome!

DSC_0457DSC_0421DSC_0401DSC_0460The Truth: “I have seen and testify that this is the Son of God.”   John 1:34

Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our Faith. This faith that comes from him enables us to believe what we cannot see and hope for all the things that are yet to come. Because of this faith, we become strong, courageous, and hopeful and patiently wait for the Lord’s promises. Our spirit learned to trust Him. Faith makes us to believe, but testifying means you witnessed it. You have seen it with your own eyes. You have experienced it yourself.

John the Baptist came from God. He was born to testify for Jesus Christ. He knows himself; he’s not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor a prophet. He is the one voice calling into the wilderness, “make straight way for the Lord!” He baptized in water so that Jesus Christ, who will baptize them with the Holy Spirit, maybe revealed to those who would believed and received him as Lord and Savior.

Even him, John the Baptist, do not know who Jesus Christ is, until the time God revealed Him to him. This all happened at Bethany on the other side of Jordan when John was baptizing.

God revealed Jesus Christ to me in the darkest hour of my life. I had cancer. Yes, I do believe in Him. I am his follower, but that day of December 17, 2013, God made me see the light that no darkness can overcome. I have seen the light that no shadows can be formed. I have seen the light that dominates all the lights inside that operating room. I have seen the light that covered the brightness of the Sun. I have seen the light that passes through the walls and its radiance made me feel I am floating. He is so powerful, He can read my mind! His voice is so clear, soft and so comforting. I asked Him’ “Lord, is it now my time?” He answered, “No, I am here to watch over you”. His words warmth my heart, it removed all my fears. And I close my eyes, I am at peace, I am in the Light!

Like John the Baptist, I have seen the light that made his testimony strong and proved that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Praise and Glory to God forever!



My faith comes from Christ.

He gave it to me, He authored it,

Into perfection it shall be.

He sees me, I see Him, because He is always with me.

Praise the Lord, Oh! My soul,

In all my troubles, He delivers me,

In His light forever I shall be.



Faith in Action

The Gospel of John

The Truth: “His mother said to the servants, do whatever he tells you…”  John 2:5

Have you been in a situation wherein you sensed a problem of a friend, relatives or family that you wanted to help?  What did you do?

Mary with her son Jesus and his disciples attended a wedding at Cana in Galilee.  Mary sensed a problem, “they have no wine” she told Jesus. Then she said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”  The servants obeyed Jesus – and everybody in that wedding drink the best ever tasting wine!

Jesus Christ performed his first miracle of turning water into wine to reveal his glory. Mary’s action because of her faith and her confidence with Jesus and the obedience of the servants produced amazement, joy and relief to everybody in the event. Jesus’ disciples who knew what happened put their faith in their master!


So when sensing a problem and wanted to help, be like Mary with faith and confidence, run to Jesus.  Be obedient like the servants.  Miracles happen when Faith is in action.

This 2016, be sensitive to the needs of others.  Draw them near to God.  He can make miracles even in your smallest good works, this is God’s plan for us through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Testifying for the Lord



“See to it brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the Living God.  But, encourage  one another daily as long as as it is called today, so that none of you maybe hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.  We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first.” Hebrews 3:12-14

“For none of us lives for himself alone and none of us dies for himself alone.  If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord.  So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.  For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.”  Romans 14:7-9


Our testimony of faith as Christian is God’s.  It is one of the good works God has prepared for us to do.  Testifying for the Lord is an action done with honour, courage and humility for others.  It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Once a week, we heard our pastors preached the Gospel from the words of God.  Every week we heard them testify for the Lord.  Every week, we heard the goodness of the Lord.  His love and compassion.  His healing mercy.  His provisions.  Week by week, different testimonies we heard that inspired and encouraged those who listened.

When I was asked to make my testimony, I was hesitant, but also excited.  Though I am afraid too, because as a person, I am not perfect.   Everyday, I repent for I have sinned.  I made wrong decisions in the past.  So I prayed.  I asked God, “do I need to testify?

And God answered me.  “When I called you, and you accepted me; I became your God and you became my people.  Everything of me became yours and everything of you became mine. ”  Yes, everything of me – my mind, heart, body and soul is the Lord’s, so is my testimony.   He is in control over everything.  He is Jesus my Lord, the Lord of Lords, the Lord of all!

So, I delivered my testimony in writing and in words.  I came up in the stage.  I stand in front of many believers and let the spirit flows.  I spoke in my own language – Tagalog because God wanted to reach all Filipinos; the young and the old, the rich and the poor.  He wanted to reveal Himself to them.  He wanted to say that, “I am the Lord who loves you whoever you are.  I am the Lord who is always with you every second of your day.  I am Jesus, your Lord!”

Up in that stage, the Lord gave me courage and humility to proclaim His Glory.  I came up to say that “Jesus is Lord, to God be the Glory.


Praise, worship, honour and glory is yours, our Almighty Father, our God, forever!  I am not worthy.  I am a sinner, yet you still loved me.  Thank you for Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord, master and redeemer.  Thank you.  Amen

This Too Will Come to Pass


The Truth : Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”


God is with us since the beginning of our time.  He never leaves us.  He is always present in all stages of our lives.  He is always there to support us especially in times of need, in times of sadness, in times of failure, in times of pain, in times of fear, God is there with us.
Today as we praise the Lord, let us use the memories of the past, how He delivered us in many troubles that we’ve been through, to motivate us.
Let us praise the Lord on the day that we were born.  Let us praise Him for taking care of us as we grow.  Let us praise Him for giving us strength and courage in keeping our responsibilities as sons and daughters, as students, as parents and as grandparents.
Let us praise Him for sustaining all our needs to survive.  Let us praise Him in hearing all our prayers, requests and petitions, He answers us all.
Let us praise the Lord for every good and perfect gifts that He gave us.  Praise Him for our SALVATION FROM CHRIST – the ultimate gift of God’s love for us.
Because the Lord is with us, we have nothing to fear, we are secured in the Lord!
Father Almighty, my soul will praise you forever.  Thank you for everything that has come to pass because it is your will for me to survive and be victorious.  You sustain me from the very beginning of my life.  Nothing can compare to your love for me.  Thank you for your loving kindness.  Thank you for your mercy and grace that  I have tasted in abundance everyday.
Father in Heaven, thank you for calling me your child.  Thank you for installing Christ in my heart.  Thank you for increasing my faith when cancer strikes me the first time in 2002 and again last 2013.  Thank you for being with me in those dark and painful days of my chemotherapies and radiotherapies.  Thank you for appointing doctors and all people (my family; my son and daughters and their spouses, especially Ryan, my spiritual family at Victory Christian Fellowship, all my friends and classmates ) you used all of them to perform your MIRACLES OF HEALING ME.
Thank you that you have secured me.  Thank you that I have trusted you.  Thank you that you made my heart steady.  Thank you that you have removed all fears from my heart and filled it with faith.
Remembering my past on how you are victorious calmed me.  All your ways are righteous. Thank you that I have my SALVATION, I am secured.  From my mother’s womb you set me apart.  I belong to You in life, in death and through Eternity.
The Heaven’s declared I AM CANCER FREE, God, you are my stronghold.  You are faithful.  You have preserved my life because you love me.
Let my soul praise you through Christ our Lord.  Amen.
This too will come to pass
(I am secured with the Lord)
When in trouble, I think of God.
This too will come to pass,
I think of how He saved me from the past,
It is His will for me to survive.
When I am sick, I think of God.
This too will come to pass,
I hold on to His promise of Long Life,
All my needs, He will provide.
Praise the Lord! all His creations,
His works are wonderful,
Praise the Lord, Oh! my soul,
I am one of His creations.
Lord, You are faithful, You are Loving.
Till the end of time You are true
I have my Salvation, Alone will I praise You
Praise the Lord, Oh! my soul.

Remembering God’s Goodness for the year 2014

Peace be with you my brothers and sisters in-Christ.

Just want to share some words of inspiration from our Pastors preaching the words of God the whole year of 2014 at Victory Christian Fellowship, the Fort:
“Transform others to the glory of God” – Pastor Steve Murrel
“Don’t despise the humble  beginnings.”  “I will not refuse the good things in the life of the living, but I don’t abuse it.” – Pastor Joey Bonifacio
“What matters is who is with you.  It’s not about who you are, but who is with you.” “At the end of the purpose of your calling, God is glorified.”  – Pastor Dennis Isleta
“For we are compromisers, by nature we want to please people.  Therefore we need the grace of God to be able to say NO.”  “We mature as we minister.  Align what you believe in Christ, it will always be a YES!”  – Pastor Jeff Eliscupides
“Fight all the time.  In all circumstances take up the shield of Faith for the enemy has not just one arrow.” “Every book (in the bible) starts with the birth of a baby.” –  Pastor Jo Bonifacio

One Church – Fighting the Good fight of the Faith

The Truth : Timothy 5:12 “…Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

2014 is the year of the Lord’s favour.  God’s day of vengeance comforted all who mourned.  He provide those who grieved, whose heart were like “Zion” – the Holy Hill of God.  He delivered His people from shame.  His great provision is upon us.  He lifted our spirit as we praised and worshipped Him everyday the whole year!
We fought (as one church) the good fight of faith.  We pursued righteousness, godliness, love, endurance and gentleness.  We lived by what we believed.  We take hold of the eternal life we have received through Christ, our Lord.  God has armoured and led us to a victorious battle.
We prayed for the transforming of our nation.  We prayed for our countrymen, our family, leaders, and all people whom God has anointed to govern us.  We prayed for peace be upon us.  Everyday we asked for God’s grace, mercy and wisdom.
We aimed to train the next generation.  We prayed that may our good Lord make us a “perfect tool” for harvesting and refining our young generations.  Because we believed that in training and mentoring them to become God’s people will change their heart and will became righteous world leaders/changers.
We asked God in prayers to prepare us for our “church” growth.  Our church (Victory Christian Fellowship) is rapidly growing.  We prayed that may the Lord bless us, to make us strong and courageous, as we reached out for souls.  We were called to obey the Lord’s great commission.  We asked for God’s  guidance through Jesus Christ.
We are summoned to do good; to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  We laid our treasures for ourselves as a firm foundation for the youth, in this way, together, we took hold of the life that is truly life.
Father Almighty, the maker of heaven and Earth, thank you for your great love for all mankind.  Thank you for being with us, who believed and accepted your gift of love – Jesus Christ.  Thank you for 2014 – a great year of your glory and righteousness.  Help us to obey your words and commands of guarding what has been entrusted to our care the next year to come.  In Jesus Christ’s name.  Amen.

My Canoe of Faith

The truth : Psalm 145:14 “The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.”

Cancer imprisoned me for months. It drove me to a cave of pain and fear of death. Darkness engulfed me inside that cave. With my weakening body, I know my only hope is God to whom I trust.

I asked God to search my heart and remove all sins of uncertainty.   I cried to him, “My Lord, remember your promise to me: a long and satisfying life”. I asked him to increase my Faith. And God reminds me, through his words in 2Timothy 1:6, to fan into flame his gift which is in me through Christ (who laid his life for me) – the gift of the Holy Spirit. God lifted my spirit and my will to live for a purpose.

As I run to him and made him my refuge, he cuddled me in his wings of protection and comforted me. He strengthened me to paddle my ‘canoe of Faith’ against the raging waters of the enemies’ lies and deceits. I paddled toward God. My spirit is not sick. He fixed my eyes on Jesus Christ and I remember my salvation through his death and resurrection. His blood cleanse and made me strong from the day I received it.

Day and night, I meditated on God’s word. Obedience became my weapon in fighting this vicious cell. Every day he revealed to me his gloriousness, his oneness with his people. God hears the cry of his people. His love is everlasting. He is with me at the operating room. He is with me every cycle of my chemotherapy. I survived all process of medications because he loves me. He provided all my needs. He protected my body and every organs and tissues inside me from all side effects of this drug. And now as I undergo a ‘radiation therapy’ this month of September, 2014 ( that will completely eradicate cancer cells from my body) for thirty-three days, I believe God will give me the desires of my heart!

  • Psalm 140:  Let me dwell in your presence Lord and make my heart your dwelling place forever.
  • Psalm 141:  Purify me Lord, cloth me with your righteousness.
  • Psalm 142:  Bless me Lord, to you I run and take refuge.
  • Psalm 143:  You never leave me Lord, thank you. You will not put me to shame for you are my God and Savior. You love me and my hope is in you all day long.
  • Psalm 144:  You are my light, you open my eyes, and with you, there is no darkness at all.
  • Psalm 145:   Heal me completely my Lord. Formed me again in my original being. Fearfully and wonderfully you created me. I will praise you in the land of the living all the days of my life. My mouth will speak of your glorious, splendid and everlasting Kingdom . YOU ARE MY KING!



Are you canoeing against the raging waters of uncertainty, disbelief, shame and all physical, emotional, financial and spiritual deficiencies? Do you feel imprisoned by it? Do not be deceived by the enemies’ lies and deceits and use that trouble to drive you away from God. Be inspired by Psalm 140 to 145 of David. Drove that canoe of faith toward God, our only refuge in times of trouble. Like David, let our heart desires for God’s love and goodness and be satisfied with his greatness.


Almighty Father in Heaven, thank you for giving your one and only son to all mankind because you loved us.   And that because of him, we are saved and have the confidence in asking you to bring our soul out of this prison that we may praise your name. Increase our Faith the more in times of trouble. Make our lives a living testimony of your goodness and greatness. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, we pray. Amen.